02/02/2020—A Special Trifecta Day

February 4, 2020

02/02/2020—A Special Trifecta Day

By JC Mowen

Yesterday, February 2, 2020, we experienced an amazing super trifecta. Not only was it “Super-Bowl Sunday” and Ground Hog day, but it was also the first “date-palindrome” (i.e., 02/02/2020) in 909 years.  How cool!

So, I started thinking about date-palindromes. The last one occurred on 11/11/1111. It happened during the medieval ages. The pace of change was slow during that epoch, but in the 1100s, the first universities were established. Also, the first record of windmills was reported–at which we’re still tilting by the way.  Of course, it was the pontification of the professors that kept the blades turning. In a further note, the first assembly line in history was built in Venice. Apparently, sailing ships were being mass produced—probably for use in the Venetian Crusade. Ah—nothing like a good war to release the creative spirit.

The next “date-palindrome” will happen on 12/12/2121, which is only 101 years away. Hopefully, my great-great-granddaughters will be around for it. Speaking of 100-year increments, the National Football League was founded in 1920—100 years ago. I wonder if the Super Bowl will still be around 101 years from now? In fact, I wonder if we will still be playing football. For that matter will our way of life be recognizable in 100 years? Will humans be recognizable?

These thoughts remind me of the one-hit wonder song, In the Year 2525, by Zager and Evans. The first verse goes, “In the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive.” Wow, those optimistic words make me want to find a sledge hammer and slam it down on my right big toe for several hours.

Maybe someone should write a song about the year 2121. It could start, “In the year 2121, the year that women won, the year that men were done, when each one lost his gun. Whoops, too depressing? How about, “In the year 2121, when The Bears finally won, Chicago had some fun.” (Maybe someone else should write the lyrics.)

What will the world be like in the year 2121? Undoubtedly, very different from today’s world. Consider the world 101 years ago. In 1919, Congress had just passed the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. There were no televisions, antibiotics, or computers. In 1919 less than 1% of homes in the United States had electricity or indoor plumbing. The pace of change increased over the last 101 years. The rate of change will certainly increase even more over the next century. (SCARY!)

2020 can also be viewed through the lens of numerology. According to one guru, 2020 is a special year of “…perfect vision and accomplishment.” Also, adding the numbers in the date equals 4 which, according to numerologists, indicates all sorts of good things, such as stability, peace, and responsibility. (I wish.)

On the other hand, in Chinese culture the number 4 is unlucky because its character is pronounced like the one for death. Thus, most elevators will not have a button for the 4th floor in China. Here’s a bummer thought for you–maybe the Coronavirus struck China because of the unlucky year—2020? Whoops, sorry—that’s way too harsh! Ugh, my bad.

In sum, it is amazing that so much happened on—02/02/2020. I hope that you enjoyed that special day when Kansas City won the Superbowl, Punxsutawney Phil failed to see his shadow, and hopefully, the number of people stricken by the coronavirus peaked and the disease’s incidence will begin its downward drift.